Urban Repository
Copyright © 2014 MAD(E) IN MUMBAI, All rights reserved.
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Program: Mobile instalation
Total area: 1 Sq. m
Client: Slade School of art, London
Date: December 2010
Collabrator: Jacob Wilson, Ming deng
The city of Istanbul is a dense palimpsest of diverse cultural and ethnic groups migrating from various parts of the world and Rural Anatolia. This leads to an interesting patchwork of languages, flavours, music, festivals, and stories coming from various parts of the world. We intervened in this vibrant landscape through the medium of a mobile Urban repository, named Orhan. This mobile installation derives its imagination from vending machine used by migrants in Istanbul, to make their own space in the city. The repository can take various forms, an archive, an infrastructure, a vending machine, a market, a street furniture, a home, a food stall, a newspaper stand, a garden, a mobile cinema. It is an Urban sponge which absorbs diverse character of the city and celebrates it.
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Program: Mobile instalation