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The Park Toilet

Can parks and Maidans of the city share it public toilets with the city and transform them into a public spaces ?

This toilet typology rethinks the public toilet model for open spaces, parks, gardens,playgrounds and maidans. In parks and open spaces,  the  toilets  are  generally located along the edge of the park and behave like a wall in between the park and the city. This toilet is designed to behave as an interface between the open space and the city. The section, in the form of a wooden skeleton, morphs along the edge of the open space to release  a  stepped  seating  plaza,  entrance  gate  and  a  bicycle stand. The toilet is articulated beneath this morphing plane,  at  the  entrance  gate  to  allow movement from inside as well as outside of the park. The solid waste is recycled through the assembly of an anaerobic tank and reed bed, through the process of bio degradation. The process produces bio gas and recycled water that could be used for gardening and flushing within the toilet.

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